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Home › Security System Tips & Information › Home Security Camera Placement Tips to Help You Minimize Blind Spots
Published March 19th, 2020 by Secure IT Securities Corp.
Looking to burglar-proof your home?
Over 7 million property crime offenses, such as burglary and larceny/theft, happen every year in America. Doing what you can to protect your property is crucial. CCTV is one of the best ways to do it.
You deter would-be criminals and catch them on camera too.
The trick is getting your security camera placement right. After all, blind spots are bad news. Looking to set your cameras up as effectively as possible?
Keep reading.
Assess Your Property
Installing any home security measures without appropriate forethought is a recipe for disaster.
Planning is key. Take the time to assess your home. Put some thought into the areas you most want and need to be on camera.
Identify weak spots, hidden (or obvious) places that would make easy targets for thieves.
You could also inquire about break-ins from the previous homeowner. Ask them if they suffered a burglary and, if so, where they took place. That’s key information for planning your own security system.
Cover Your Entranceways
Cameras must be positioned anywhere your property is vulnerable to break-ins.
Your doors and windows are primary locations to think about. Indeed, as many as three-quarters of burglars enter through the front door!
That’s a shocking statistic. It should also be a major incentive to position a camera facing your doors.
Open windows are another common point of entry.
Position cameras to provide footage of windows that might be susceptible to a break-in (such as ground-floor bathrooms).
Put Your Cameras High-Up
Let’s face it — burglars don’t much like being caught on camera, in the act.
They’ll take any opportunity they can to knock out security cameras that are within reach. That’s why it’s best to position them at height.
For instance, the camera covering your front door should be at the second-floor level. That’ll make it much harder for anyone to interfere with its functioning.
Remember that excessive height will impact the video quality though. Too high and you might not get enough detail to identify the perpetrator.
Ensure Sufficient Lighting
Lighting goes hand in hand with proper security camera positioning.
Imagine installing cameras that lack night-vision capabilities somewhere with no light source. As soon as night came around you’d be in trouble.
Make sure there’s sufficient light for the cameras to do their job!
It’s a balance, though. Too close and the glare will render the footage useless too.
Remember the Yard
It is well worth having eyes on your yard as well.
After all, that’s quite often from where a would-be thief will approach. With a camera in place, you’ll be able to monitor any activity outside and assess any upcoming trouble.
Keep your neighbor’s privacy in mind too though. Make sure the footage stays within your property, without encroaching on theirs.
Remember These Security Camera Placement Tips
Setting up CCTV at your property is a sensible step for avoiding burglaries.
Hopefully, the security camera placement advice above will help you position your cameras as effectively as possible.
Want professional support with the installation process? Contact us today.
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Secure IT Securities Corp.
1 Blue Hill Plaza #1509
Pearl River, NY 10965
New York State Fire & Security License #12000295002 | Smart Home Security Solutions in Pearl River, NY
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